~ As told by Marshall Tucker, the adorable pup. ~

Hi! I'm Marshall Tucker. Marshall for short. I have four legs, a tail, a sooper sniffer, I wanted to tell you about this fun day I had wiff my hoomans!
Gosh I was sooo excited that day! My two favorite hoomans took me in a car ride and then we got to walk around outside near a hoomungus puddle of water! It was much colder than other days, but I didn't mind it, although my hoomans looked kinda cold. My golden locks always keep me warm in that kind of wedder!
It wasn't like other car rides and walks I've taken wiff my hoomans because this time, they stopped every five seconds to look at another hooman in a coat (less attractive than my beautiful coat) who held this black box up wiff a shiny front. I wasn't quite sure what was happening, but my hoomans smiled a lot, so I didn't sense any reason to be suspicious of the black box with a shiny front at the time.
Okay okay so in between sniffs of trucks, opossum, and some old gum I found on the ground, my hoomans made me sit next to them in front of the black box wiff a shiny front. They were sooper strict about me sitting like a good boy, but I wasn't sure why. We were outside where I usually get to play and run!
Anyhows, when I didn't have to sit like a good boy wiff my favorite hoomans, my super friend Joolie hung out with me. But she never got close enough to my hoomans when they were standing together in front of the lady wiff the black box in front of the water and on this flat, wood thing. That made me a little anxious being so far away from them. I mean, we were like TWENTY paw strides away from them, so I kept an eye on them to make sure they were safe. Even barked a few times to let them know where me and Joolie was.

Oh! Did I mention the dirt and sticks I found at this place?? Really tasty stuff, so I had to inspect all of it and taste most of it. Theys tasted different than the sticks at my house, but still yummy. Four tail wags out of five for sure.
At the end of our outside time, my hoomans wanted to see me up close, so I wents running to them. Oh I was soo happy to be wiff thems again! But then they picked me up and that lady wiff the black box was all up in my face. I didn't know what was happening and got nervous. I couldn't smile no more even though my mom kept smooching me.
Thankfully, I didn't have to see that lady and her black box wiff the shiny front anymore, so Joolie and I played a little longer before we had to say goodbye. I like Joolie. She's my friend.
I still don't know what my hoomans were doing standing and smiling in front of that little black box with the shiny front, but it was a fun day!
And if you see my hoomans, pweese remind them I was a sooper good boy that day and deserve a million treats and tummy rubs.
- Marshall Tucker
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